posted: 05.10.2020 10:46
Occupation: Teacher
October 5th is the World Teachers’ Day. To celebrate it, we asked teachers and professors to share their story with us. We wanted to know what it’s like to hold one of the most responsible positions – to shape our future by educating and governing our children, teenagers and young adults within the school system.
Jelena Šimunović, English language teacher, Primary School Bartol Kašić, Mostar
I am a teacher for 20 years now, and looking back, it seems that I am at the right place. After all these years in education, I’ve learnt that working with children is not just a job – it’s a call. To educate and govern is a privilege rather than an obligation. When you think about hundreds of children you used to be engaged with daily, their curiosity, joy, imagination, and all those mixed feelings that are an integral part of growing up, you then understand how important is your role. We, teachers, are committed to them. We are obliged to recognize their needs and to help them pave their roads. In order to be a teacher and a mentor, one needs to be the best version of self.
Being a teacher nowadays is incredibly challenging, and it requires full commitment. In the world technologically so advanced, education and mentoring are still very important in keeping moral compass and humanity above anything else.
Today we have young people that are one click away from a vast amount of information and incentives. They communicate globally, mix this and virtual reality, look up to some new role models. Children today want, wish and can but on the language they understand and under the circumstances acceptable for them. This is neither better nor worse than time in which we grew up. It is just more challenging. It is on us teachers to understand the change and learn new youth tongue.
To conclude – why am I a teacher? I do not have an answer to that, but no matter who decided for me, I owe that person one. All the joy, happiness and energy I get from my students are priceless. That motivates me to continue with my work.
Adis Pirija, Teacher of Computer Science, Math, Physics and TechEd, Primary School Suljo Čilić, Jablanica
As a teacher, you have the responsibility to be a role model for your students. To share knowledge is an award for itself. It is priceless. They said that God loves the ones whose life is filled with good deeds and legacy for generations to come. I find teachers fit with this group. This job makes me happy and fulfilled even with the salary below the average. I wouldn’t trade it even for triple compensation. If you are a teacher, be proud of yourself and celebrate teachers’ day.
Slavomir Stankov PhD, University Professor in retirement
I graduated in electrical engineering in 1972 and retired in 2013 as a professor at the Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Split and all my working life, I have been a university professor.
I wasn’t going to be a teacher. I didn’t prepare myself for that vocation during college, but I did fall in love with it. I concluded that just having specific knowledge wouldn’t do and that it was necessary to have skills and knowledge on how to transfer it successfully. A beginner – engineer oriented on process automation becomes a part of the education system.
I also learned that this job is dynamic and challenging and that it requires an all-new set of skills: pedagogy, didactic, methodology. That is why I always had something new to learn: during my regular work with students, participating in projects, or mentoring master or PhD students.
A sense of satisfaction after successfully finishing cooperation with my students has always motivated me. I was lucky to work during a very productive period for my vocations, both electronics and education. In 1972 the first microprocessor was presented, and now we can’t imagine our life without that electronic component. Naturally, in the field of education, new didactic methods were created to support the modern concept of teaching, learning and validation of knowledge.
Some difficulties might occur as new has to be combined with the existing. A teacher is not the only source of knowledge for a student, and his role is now to be primarily a mentor.
In 1992 I was engaged in development, modelling and application of intelligent tutorial systems and usage of computers in education and learning. It is a strong multidisciplinary field that still attracts researchers and practitioners. This was the era of my intensive work and learning with my students, who were my most faithful associates, and I am very grateful for them.
Being a professor is an excellent opportunity to work with young adults, students who are eager to gain knowledge, who are truthful, dedicated and hardworking, and finally who are open for scientific discussion.
Doc. Suzana Tomaš, Faculty of Humanities and social sciences, University of Split, Departments of Teacher Education
We are all teachers – educating ourselves and others. Being a teacher today is challenging, and it is very different from being a teacher a couple of decades ago. A teacher today has to be enthusiastic and emotionally intelligent as the scenery is ever changing, and information flow is faster than ever. Teachers are always balancing between their students’ private life, their ability and the community that has great expectations from every individual.
Very often, we heard the discussion if being a teacher is a vocation or a call, but I would point out something else: professionalism. That professionalism has to be tied with the nobility and altruism.
When I was a child, my teacher was my role model, a hero and even influenced my decision to become the teacher.
With the university degree, I got the chance to work as a sub teacher. And there they were: 25 children in the second grade of primary school were listening to me carefully while I was explaining that I am now their new teacher. A kid from the last row said:” Why? I will not listen to you, I don’t want you.” I realized then that replacing a teacher was hard. A teacher is watching kids while they are becoming young people. You can not replace a teacher.
I work at the university now, teaching my students how to become a teacher. Despite all difficulties and challenges, hundreds of young people decide to be an educator, and I have the honour to take part in their education.
The ancient Greeks said: “If Athens doesn’t have a tailor, the Athenians will be naked. If we don’t have a shoemaker, we will walk barefoot. And if Athens does not have a teacher – there will be no Athenians. “
Slavica Andruščak, Primary School Teacher, Katolički školski centar “Petar Barbarić”, Travnik
I am a teacher for 12 years now in Catholic School in Travnik, and I love every second of this wonderful and responsible job. Two generations of students finished their first part of primary schooling under my supervision. I enjoy seeing those children now in high school and always looking forward to meeting them. Working with kids brings me joy, content, fulfilment, empathy and keep my spirit young. The young shall inherit the earth. I hope that I’ve managed to give them true values for life that will help them to become dignified young men and women who will build a better world.